Monday, October 29, 2012

double post day, tiny house

As noted in the earlier post, the siding has begun. Prior to siding we gave the tiny house a little modern funk look. We wrapped the house in foam insulation. The foam has a radiant barrier, ergo the modern metal look. We are excited to finish stapling the wrap and keep putting up boards. We ate putting up poplar boards as the siding The batons that we ate nailing to are actually pieces of maple floor that were too rough to use. Limiting our waste and maximizing our potential. We are backing the poplar in roofing felt do as not to have the metal glare coming through if/ when the boards shrink. The idea came to me this weekend to cut strips of felt to two inches and just felt the area that may become exposed thus saving more material and resources. It may have been an obvious idea but I was ready proud to have thought of it.


  1. looking good mate! Love the pics as always. Have you thought of getting a cheap inverter to run some low watt lights from a car battery while your generator is down?

    1. Thought about it and actually grabbed an inverter from my folks attic but the warranty repair on the generator was fast.
